Inspiring Transformation Through The Power Of The Arts In The Local Church And Its Community

Worship In “Spirit
And In Truth”
WorshipPlus exists to equip the local church to worship in "spirit and in truth." - John 4:23.
WorshipPlus is committed to equipping local churches and Christian organizations to think creatively, applying "best practices" to their worship experiences and outreach events through the Creative Arts.

WorshipPlus equips worship leaders and volunteers. We provide one-on-one assessment and engage with Pastoral leadership team first, following with the Worship leader, and then volunteers. We’re committed to discerning the need and applying “best practices” to elevate the spiritual and emotional health of the worship experience.
Worship Team & Discipleship
WorshipPlus establishes a clear pathway of spiritual growth for those who “lead” worship each week. We help leaders develop a plan to ensure each member of ministry is a fully-maturing disciple of Christ and worshipper in his/her daily life and in corporate worship.
Worship Team Discipleship

Interim Worship Leader
WorshipPlus provides guidance for interim and substitute music leaders. Rev. Timothy J. Mercaldo, Founder and Director, with over 35 years of Evangelical ministry experience, is available for leading worship with the existing team or solo. In addition, with over 20 years of preaching experience, he is available for pulpit supply.
Interim Worship Leader
Special Event & Production

WorshipPlus is particularly equipped to help churches strategize and develop “arts outreaches” designed to resonate with and “bridge the Gospel” to the surrounding community.
Special Event & Production
Online & Onsite Seminars

WP prioritizes Biblically-centered and Spirit-empowered teaching in the Local Church. Rev. Mercaldo guides Worship Teams in understanding their unique role in leading and transforming their congregation, with an emphasis on “The Audiences of Worship”
Online & Onsite Seminars

Christian & Christmas Concerts
Worship and music ministry concerts are available for a variety of church events including Sunday mornings (such as celebration banquets and fundraisers), and Holiday concerts (Christmas, Easter, and Valentines).
Christian & Christmas Concerts

Rev. Timothy J. Mercaldo
Founder & Director
Rev. Timothy J. Mercaldo has been an evangelical, ordained Christian minister for over 35 years. Twenty-nine of those years have been spent specifically in worship ministry. Tim has had the privilege of ministering in the American evangelical context of every facet indigenous to the local church. From early childhood, music was a passion of Tim’s that led to singing and playing piano with both formal and informal training. "Worship" was always front and center in his personal life and found its expression vocally with self-accompaniment. It was no surprise that after graduating with a degree in Theology/Greek, Worship and Music ministry was the centerpiece of Tim’s early years in the local church. During his years of full-time ministry, there was a constant focus on how to reach the “the lost” in the church’s community. Tim founded a 501(c)(3) which existed to inspire and impact the Greater New York area through arts, sports, and educational programs, and events. Since the early 1980s, Tim has produced holiday productions and outreach concerts, as well as performed at various institutions and secular events within communities—both nationally and internationally. Whether hands-on or helping to find the “right fit” for ministry personnel, Tim is ultimately passionate to see the local church flourish and further the Kingdom of God. He has been married to his bride, AnnMarie, for 37 years, raised four amazing girls, who now are all married, serving God faithfully with their families...10 grandchildren so far! Tim considers his family to be his greatest legacy and looks forward to fulfilling his ministry calling wherever God opens the door throughout the United States and around the world. B.A. Bible/Theology/Greek (Moody Bible Institute) M.A. Worship Studies and Organizational Leadership (Trevecca University) Master's studies in Apologetics (Liberty University)

“The ‘services’ Rev. Timothy Mercaldo offers are unique, at least in terms of what I've seen over the years--and greatly needed in so many churches
and events. In fact, the name of the ministry, ‘Worship Plus,’ is perfect because Tim always seems to bring a PLUS to the worship experience when he leads. I know this is the work of the Spirit through him.”
— David Bryant, Founder & Director of Proclaim HOPE! & Concerts of Prayer

“Thank you, Rev. Timothy Mercaldo for coaching and building the confidence of our worship team. Your strategic planning, practical insight, and real-life experiences as a Worship Coach elevated our Sunday experience to unimaginable heights. Worship is more than 'singing' songs, it’s connecting people to God. Without your strategic leadership, we simply would not have been able to raise the level of intimate worship."
— Martin J. Tursi, Executive Pastor (former) Cornerstone Christian Church, Wyckoff, NJ

Help Support
WorshipPlus exists to equip the local church to worship in "Spirit and in Truth." - John 4:23. Our goal is never to tell a church or ministry "no" due to financial inability.
This can't happen without the help of our donors. WorshipPlus is a ministry of Artists and Christian Testimony, International Inc., a 501(c)3 organization.
All gifts are tax-deductible.
Make check payable to:
WorshipPlus/A.C.T. Intl
Mail check to:
A.C.T. Intl, PO Box 1649, Brentwood, TN 37024-1649
Upcoming Events
For Correspondence
Rev. Timothy J. Mercaldo
38 E. 37th Street
P.O. Box 63
New York, NY 10015
(929) 202-1529
For Worship Plus Corporate
Artists in Christian Testimony Intl, Inc.
PO Box 1649
Brentwood, TN 37024-1649 USA
Email: info@actinternational.org